Frontier Strategies Frontier Strategies

Business Rules Analysis and Best Practices

Every organization’s performance and responsiveness to its clients pivots on rules. Business rules help control processes, leverage durable and transient knowledge, control costs and improve service levels.

At Frontier, we understand the difference between these four business rule types, how they are assets to the organization, how they should be modeled and governed, and ultimately, how they execute in your applications and systems. As we described in our Business Process Improvement service description, we know that people, processes, rules and technology are inextricably linked to one another. We can help you understand and exploit these relationships to make your organization more agile.

Though business rules are usually a component of a process improvement or software initiative, some organizations are rule heavy and demand more intense analysis techniques. Depending on the scope and complexity of the initiative, we use the following analysis techniques when rules are a component of the project:

  • Algorithm Analysis
  • Business Process Modeling
  • Business Rule Capture
  • Business Rule Tabling
  • Content Modeling
  • Inference Rule Network Modeling
  • Knowledge Modeling
  • Metric Identification and Linkage
  • Rule Goverance Design
  • State Modeling
  • Workflow Modeling

For more information on these techniques and how we can help you improve your organization’s business rules management, contact us.


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