Frontier Strategies Frontier Strategies

Organizational Improvement

Our focus in Organizational Improvement  is to help IT organizations define, design and implement a Center of Excellence (COE), or similarly, an Area of Competency (AOC). We helped a major insurance provider build a Business Analysis Area of Competency so we know what it takes and have the tools to make it happen.

IT organizations  wishing to establish a COE or AOC do so with the primary intention to invest in their people and help boost and sustain both individual core competencies and the core competencies of the organization as a whole. While there are strategic reasons for doing this, practical benefits include:

  • boosting the visibility of the role(s) you choose for your initiative;
  • organizing skill building as a fundamental development program;
  • increasing relevance of the IT organization in business operations;
  • increasing robustness in delivering automation capabilities for the business clients served.

Frontier has developed a structured approach to help your IT organization establish a COE or AOC with phased implementation, organizational maturity gateways, mentoring plans and specific  guidelines. For more information on this service, contact us.


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